Current latency of the Earth orientation series

Status at 2024.10.14_22:50:10 UTC         ( 2024.10.14_18:50:10 local time )

Data type Series name Latency Last time updated (UTC) Latency plot (long) Latency plot (short)
EOP series IAA Intensive 15.35 hour 2024.10.14_07:29:28 latency of iaa_j Latency of iaa_j
EOP series GSFC Intensive 100.85 hour 2024.10.10_17:59:00 latency of gsfc_i Latency of gsfc_i
EOP series GSFC 24-hour EOP 20.74 days 2024.09.24_04:59:00 latency of gsfc_s Latency of gsfc_s
EOP series IERS C04 30.95 days 2024.09.14_00:00:00 latency of c04_c Latency of c04_c
EOP series Rapid IGS GNSS 34.83 hour 2024.10.13_12:00:37 latency of igr_r Latency of igr_r
EOP series IGS GNSS ultra-rapid 16.83 hour 2024.10.14_06:00:37 latency of igu_u Latency of igu_u
EOP series CODE GNSS 7.95 days 2024.10.07_00:00:37 latency of code_f Latency of code_f
AAM series GEOS-FCS forecast -49.16 hour 2024.10.17_00:00:00 latency of geosfcs_a Latency of geosfcs_a
NERS series NERS forecast -49.18 hour 2024.10.17_00:01:14 latency of ners_n Latency of ners_n


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This page was prepared by Leonid Petrov ()
Last update: 2017.07.05_12:12:16