! ! NERS forecast consists of static variables: ! ! a) declaration (character strings) ! b) dimensions (integer numbers) ! c) initial epochs (real*8 numbers. Epochs are defined as number of seconds elapsed since 2001.01.01_00:00:00.0 TAI) ! ! and dynamic arrays of real*8 numbers with dimensions declared above: ! ! d) arrays of arguments for B-spline, harmonic, and cross-harmonic expansions ! e) arrays of coefficients of B-spline, harmonic or cross-harmonic expansions ! ! Static variables ! ================ ! CHARACTER NERS_FMT*64 !! An ascii string with format version CHARACTER EOP_FCS_VERS*32 !! An ascii string with format version CHARACTER NUT_APR_MOD*16 !! Name of the a priori nutation expansion CHARACTER PRC_APR_MOD*16 !! Name of the a priori precession expansion CHARACTER HEO_MOD*32 !! Name of the expansion of high-frequency EOP variations, not covered with nutation and precession CHARACTER HEO_ID*24 !! Name of the ad hoc expansion of high-frequency EOP variations in addition to a priori expansions CHARACTER EANG_MOD*32 !! Name of the model for the angular momentum CHARACTER LTP_MOD*32 !! Name of the model for the long-term forecast CHARACTER NERS_URL*128 !! The URL with NERS host ! CHARACTER URL_C*128 !! URL of the C04 EOP series CHARACTER URL_U*128 !! URL of the IGS Ultra-rapid EOP series CHARACTER URL_R*128 !! URL of the IGS Rapid EOP series CHARACTER URL_I*128 !! URL of the IVS Intensive EOP series CHARACTER URL_J*128 !! URL of the IAA Intensive EOP series CHARACTER URL_S*128 !! URL of the 24 hour IVS EOP series CHARACTER URL_F*128 !! URL of the final IGS series CHARACTER URL_A*128 !! URL of the AAM forecast data CHARACTER URL_L*128 !! URL of the the long-term forecast ! REAL*8 TAI_GEN !! Time of the moment of the forecast generation REAL*8 TAI_LAST_HEO !! Time of the last epoch for observations used for harmonic EOP expansion generation REAL*8 TAI_HEO_EPOCH !! Time for the reference epoch for the ad hoc harmonic EOP expansion REAL*8 TAI_LAST_EOPS_C !! Time for the last epoch of C04 EOP series REAL*8 TAI_LAST_EOPS_U !! Time for the last epoch of IGS Ultra-rapid EOP series REAL*8 TAI_LAST_EOPS_R !! Time for the last epoch of the IGS Rapid EOP series REAL*8 TAI_LAST_EOPS_I !! Time for the last epoch of the IVS Intensive EOP series REAL*8 TAI_LAST_EOPS_J !! Time for the last epoch of the IAA Intensive EOP series REAL*8 TAI_LAST_EOPS_S !! Time for the last epoch of the 24 hour IVS EOP series REAL*8 TAI_LAST_EOPS_F !! Time for the last epoch of the final IGS series. REAL*8 TAI_LAST_EOPS_A !! Time for the last epoch of the AAM forecast data REAL*8 TAI_LAST_EOPS_A_ASS !! Time for the last epoch of the AAM assimilation data REAL*8 TAI_LAST_EOPS_L !! Time for the last epoch of the long-term forecast ! INTEGER*4 NK_12 !! Number of knots for Euler angle 1 and 2 forecast INTEGER*4 NK_3 !! Number of knots for Euler angle 3 forecast INTEGER*4 NC !! Number of knots of the past best EOP series INTEGER*4 NL !! Number of knots of the long-term EOP prediction series INTEGER*4 NJ !! Number of epochs of UTC minus TAI jumps INTEGER*4 L_HEO !! Number of constituents of harmonic EOP variations INTEGER*4 L_HEOR !! Number of constituents of cross-harmonics EOP variations ! INTEGER*4 NERS_STATUS !! Ners status ! ! Dynamic variables ! REAL*8, POINTER :: ARG_12(:) !! Arguments for B-spline expansion of EOP forecast for Euler angle components 1,2. Unit: s since 2000.01.01_00:00:00.0 TAI. Dimension: NK_12 REAL*8, POINTER :: ARG_3(:) !! Arguments for B-spline expansion of EOP forecast for Euler angle component 3. Unit: s since 2000.01.01_00:00:00.0 TAI. Dimension: NK_3 REAL*8, POINTER :: ARG_C(:) !! Arguments for Spline expansion of EOP C04 series. Unit: s since 2000.01.01_00:00:00.0 TAI. Dimension: NC REAL*8, POINTER :: ARG_L(:) !! Arguments for B-spline expansion of EOP long-term forecast. Unit: s since 2000.01.01_00:00:00.0 TAI. Dimension: NC REAL*8, POINTER :: HEO_ARG(:,:) !! Arguments for a posteriori harmonic Earth Orientation Parameters expansion. Dimension: [L_HEO,3]. The 2nd dimension runs over phase at epoch 2000.01.01_00:00:00.0 TAI in rad, rate in rad/s, and acceleration in rad/s^2 REAL*8, POINTER :: ARG_UTC_M_TAI(:) !! Arguments for UTC-M-TAI function. Units: s since 2000.01.01_00:00:00 in s. Dimension: NJ. ! REAL*8, POINTER :: BSPL_E12(:,:) !! B-spline coefficients for EOP forecast, components 1,2. Units: rad. Dimension: [-2:NK_12-1] REAL*8, POINTER :: BSPL_E3(:) !! B-spline coefficients for EOP forecast, component 3. Units: rad. Dimension: [-2:NK_3-1] REAL*8, POINTER :: BSPL_C(:,:) !! B-spline coefficients for EOP C04 series. Units: rad. Dimension: [-2:NC-1,3]. The second dimension runs over Euler angle components. REAL*8, POINTER :: BSPL_L(:,:) !! B-spline coefficients for EOP C04 series. Units: rad. Dimension: [-2:NC-1,3]. The second dimension runs over Euler angle components. REAL*8, POINTER :: BSPL_UTC_M_TAI(:) !! Value of UTC_M_TAI function on epochs UTC_M_TAI. Units: s. Dimension: NJ. REAL*8, POINTER :: HEO_AMP(:,:,:) !! Coefficients of the harmonic EOP expansion. Units: rad. Dimension: [L_HEO,4]. The 2nd dimension runs over 1) cosine constituent of polar motion; 2) since constituent of polar motion; 3) cosine constituent of the axial component; 4) sine constituent of the axial component. REAL*8, POINTER :: HEOR_AMP(:,:,:) !! Coefficients of the cross-harmonic EOP expansion. Units: rad. Dimension: [L_HEOR,4]. The 2nd dimension runs over 1) cosine constituent of polar motion; 2) since constituent of polar motion; 3) cosine constituent of the axial component; 4) sine consituent of the axial component.